Preschool Daily Schedule

School hours starting fall 2023 are 8:00am - 2:30pm. After school care is 2:30pm - 4:30pm.


8:00 - 8:30 Soft Start, Sign In, Outdoor Classroom Exploration
As each teacher checks in with families at the door, children are free to begin playing in the outdoor classroom. We begin and end our days outside.

9:00 - Morning/Welcome Circle
Our community time! This looks different each day, but involves songs, stories, music, etc. Children are taught a simple lesson based on what is in each learning domain that they can choose from. This is also the time children share their “news,” which is a favorite.

9:30/10 - Choice Time
Children choose the learning domain they want to start with for the day. This is also the time teachers work with small groups for more in-depth learning and instruction. Children can choose to have snack at any time during choice time at our snack table.

We also have a music therapist come during this time.

11:30ish - Lunch Time!
Children are invited to eat all together, just like snack, and will go to their sleeping mats to read and settle before nap/quiet time.

After lunch -12:30 - Outdoor Time
We spend as much time outside as possible! So, when weather permits, we continue our time for explorations, lessons/targeted explorations of the day, yoga, music, etc. We go outside no matter the weather so everyone dresses accordingly. There is no bad weather, only bad clothing!

12:30-1:30 Transition indoors/rest time
Transitioning indoors takes time, and we use it to make the most of this important learning experience. During transitions, children begin learning and practicing important skills for independence—and they take time! Our rest time is like an exhale from being so busy during our day and is generally about 30 mins.

1:50 - 2:30ish - Outside to meet our caregivers for pickup

2:30pm - After school care begins
This looks different depending on the friends we have together for the year. However, once they wake up, they’re welcomed to do quiet activities.

3:30 - 4:30pm - Free Art/Free Outdoor Exploration
Free art time in the afternoons with materials relevant to our topic at the time, such as using dried flowers and sticks while we’re learning about gardening, etc. For those who don’t want to do art, they are welcome to play in our outdoor classroom.

4:30pm - Final Pick up