The Oak School is a place where being (as in human being) is emphasized as the foundation of all we do; where alongside the kids, the adults are supported to be their best, effecting the beautiful, open, and curious children they are guiding.

Our Teachers

Our teachers as themselves, are a major part of the curriculum in the classroom in the way they carry themselves and approach their own inner and outer lives. Essentially, the teacher at The Oak School plays a key role in creating a foundational environment for learning. They are skilled educators who are dedicated to progressive and holistic practices in education. Their unique experiences and lives enrich the school community and classroom equally.

Our teachers are able to bring their best to the classroom and they are supported by their colleagues and the school staff. We value a truly collaborative approach to uplifting, problem solving, and helping one another. From curriculum development, to better understanding a particular child’s needs, to continued professional development, our teacher’s well-being is valued and a major focus of The Oak School.

Our Students

Our students are bright, curious and adventurous kids. They are respected as whole humans in small packages, and they respond to this by naturally being more engaged and connected with themselves, one another, and their education. We are an inclusive community and do not discriminate. We believe the world not only needs but thrives with diversity!

The world needs diverse voices and experiences, adding to the rich fabric of living. So often in education, conformity and fitting in are markers of a great school. Here at The Oak School, we encourage curiosity of differences; dialogue to learn more about our differences and shared commonalities; and to approach diversity as a beautiful, integral aspect to life, instead of something dangerous that needs to be changed.

Our students are encouraged to “come as they are,” as are our teachers. Finding themselves in an environment that honors their uniqueness allows them to be comfortable with themselves. This then leads to a conscious connection with and a blossoming of their unique talents and gifts. Their gifts become part of the connected fabric of the classroom, rippling out into the school community and beyond.

Our Families

We believe that when a child comes to The Oak School, we are not just enrolling the student but rather we are enrolling a family. We take time to know who you are and what matters to you. Our families are thoughtful participants in their child’s education. They wish to see their children happy, confident, and challenged in their school curriculum. There’s a myriad of ways to be involved as a parent here at The Oak School, including: parent volunteering, fundraising initiatives, yearbook, various committees, field trips, and we welcome parent feedback.